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Fire, Blood, and Beauty: A Reverse Harem Romance Read online

Page 12

  I’m certain that Vaunt is preparing his argument, but whatever retort he has is lost as the doors burst open.

  That alone is cause for concern and I jump to my feet. The palace staff know not to interrupt these meetings, and even if a meeting needed to be disturbed, they would at least knock.

  The boy is hunched over and panting, his hands on his knees as he takes in big gulps of air.

  “Your Majesty,” he says between breaths, practically falling over himself to bow.

  “What is it? What gives you the right to interrupt me with my advisers?”

  The boy pales — he can’t be older than a teenager and looks like he’d rather die right now than talk to me, but that’s good. That’s the effect a king should have.

  “I— I— I have news, sire,” he stammers, eyes darting around the room to look anywhere but at me.

  “What kind of news? Spit it out.”

  If I thought the boy was pale before, he’s ashen now, nearly as pale as the damn blood-suckers. “It’s Danae, Your Highness,” he says, swallowing thickly, the muscles in his throat working over the words like they were poison.

  “Danae?” I ask, wondering what happened in the city to warrant this response. Danae is one of the larger cities on Desergan, though a fair distance from the palace. It lies on the coast of the eternal burning sea and is a popular vacation spot — or was, before things got so bad these last few years.

  “It’s…” the boy’s voice is shaking and he looks like he’s seen a ghost. It’s enough to quench the fires burning in my chest, leaving me with nothing but ice-cold dread.

  “Well?” I ask, my voice shaking now too. Whatever’s happened, it can’t be good. Not for him to be reacting like this. Not for him to have burst in here like he did.

  “They’re dead,” he says finally, his voice dead and hollow.

  “Who? What are you saying?”

  “Everyone!” he screeches. “It came… It came and it killed everyone. Every single dragon in Danae,” he says, collapsing to the floor with great heaving sobs.

  Frantic murmurs erupt in the room and no one has to ask what ‘it’ is. We all know who our enemy is. We all know the danger it poses. And now it’s here. In our own backyard.

  And again, I’ve failed my people.

  I walk around the huge conference table and kneel next to the boy, holding out a hand to help him to his feet. He shrinks away at first, but then I take him by the arm and lift him, pushing him into a chair at the table. Without a word, I pour him a glass of the strong liquor we reserve for celebrations — this certainly isn’t a time to celebrate, but the boy could use a stiff drink and I’m not going to deny him that. He eyes it carefully, not sure if it’s a trick, but I nudge it toward him again and he takes it graciously, drinking it all in one big gulp.

  In an instant his face is back to full color and he’s wincing at the burn, but it’s surely taking his mind off of things and that’s something.

  “Take a moment,” I say, moving back to my chair at the head of the table. “And when you’re ready, tell us everything.”

  I can see the unease rippling around the room through my advisers, and I know some of them would force the boy to say everything now, without giving him the chance to compose himself. But what would be the point in that? Danae is already gone — my chest tightens, my throat closing up painfully; thousands of souls, wiped out like they’d never existed. That is what we’re dealing with. That is the evil that threatens our way of life.

  And that is why I have to keep my resolve. Eva and the vampires stay. We stick with the plan and trust the prophecy. After this, I don’t think any of them are going to challenge me again.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  While I slept, Brandt was called away to deal with something. His note doesn’t say what exactly, but I get the impression from it that it’s serious. That he wouldn’t just leave me without a good reason and he wants to make sure I know that.

  The other side of the bed is cold where he should be, and I sigh, rolling over to his side to cling to the pillow he used. My body is sore in places I didn’t know it could be sore, but it isn’t unpleasant. It’s actually kind of nice. Every stiff joint and ache is a reminder of what Brandt and I did. It’s a souvenir.

  I’m still kind of in disbelief that I did that. Of course I’ve been thinking about it pretty much non-stop since I met these guys, but that didn’t mean I actually ever thought anything would come of it. I didn’t expect them to like me back.

  And my first time was everything I’d ever wanted and so much more. Brandt was so gentle with me, and still so intense. The way he worshiped me with his tongue and stared in awe at me with those burning green eyes was forever marked on my memory. He’d been so gentle, so sweet, and so perfect. Even now, thinking about the way he made me feel with the things he’d done makes my toes curl, my nipples hardening.

  I wish he was still here so we could do it all again. But I guess I just have to wait. Part of being a prince is having important duties to tend to.

  I lay in his bed, wrapped in his blankets, still completely naked, for a long time, just hoping he’ll walk through the door any minute. But finally I realize it’s not going to happen. His note said he didn’t know when he’d be back, but not to worry.

  I’m not worried. Just disappointed. A guy slipping out in the middle of the night after taking your virginity is most girls’ worst nightmare.

  But I trust Brandt. I don’t know what it is about him, but I do. And I’m not going to get myself all worked up over the fact that he’s gone. I’ll just have to find some other way to distract myself.

  After a while longer of lying there, letting the early morning sun wash over me from the windows above, I finally crawl out of bed and stumble to my clothes, still on the floor where Brandt tossed them.

  I never in a million years thought I’d be doing the walk of shame in a palace, but here we are, and here I am, skulking through the hallways, trying to find my way back to my room without seeing anyone along the way. I need a shower and a change of clothes desperately, but as I round a corner, I see a familiar figure that makes my heart jump.


  He’s walking in the same direction I’m headed, just ten or so paces ahead of me. His presence here is so unexpected I almost think I’m seeing things and have to do a double-take.

  He stops and turns on his heel, his eyes widening, then a smile crossed his face. “Eva, I’m so happy to see you.”

  And I believe him. There’s no other word to describe the look he’s giving me other than pleasant relief.

  “It’s been a while,” I say, nodding. He’s still stopped where he was when I said his name, so I close the space between us with a few long strides.

  “I’m happy to see you too,” I add.

  His smile widens and my heart does a somersault at the sight. Vampire or not, Morgan is very attractive. Doubly so when his normal scowl magically transforms into that breath-taking smile.

  “You are?” he asks, sounding incredulous.

  “Of course! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been. Brandt told me you were safe, but that’s really all I knew…”

  “Did you think we’d left you?” he asks, tilting his head to the side.

  I shrug, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “I don’t know. No… I just… I don’t really know what’s going on here and everyone keeps treating me like I’m on vacation, not like I have an important job to do. Trylor’s always busy with his advisers and Brandt…he’s great, but I think he’s too concerned about me. Like he thinks I won’t be able to handle the truth or something…”

  Morgan nods and it encourages me to continue.

  “And I haven’t seen you or Lucas around in ages, but he also seems like the type to keep things from me for my own good. But I don’t think you’re like that… I think you’re the one most likely to be straight with me and I need that. So…yeah, I’m happy to see you.”

e’s more to it than that of course. Like how I’ve dreamt of kissing him. How I imagine those hazel eyes flashing with amber desire. There are many reasons I’m happy to see Morgan, but he doesn’t have to know all of them.

  He nods, looking simultaneously pleased and disappointed with my explanation. I’m not sure what that’s about, so I just ignore it.

  “Well, I’m happy to tell you anything you want to know…provided I know it,” he says, reaching for my hand.

  My hand slides into his effortlessly and his cold touch makes me shiver in the most delightful way. It’s weird, because Brandt and Trylor are so hot all the time and that has its own effects on me, but this chilly touch, as different as it is, wakes up parts of me that were never awake before I met these four strangers. Parts that I think should still be sated by my night with Brandt, but they’re roaring to life all over again at Morgan’s touch. Who is this girl I’m becoming?

  “Well, I was thinking I need to shower and change…” I say, not wanting to explain why I’m already out of my room without doing that.

  “Why? You look incredible,” he says, his voice warm, his eyes sparkling.

  I burst out laughing. “No I don’t. My hair’s a mess, I’ve got lines on my face from the sheets, and I’m basically wearing pajamas.”

  Morgan stops, turning to pin me against the railing with his body. My pulse is racing, and his eyes flick down to the base of my neck before he leans forward slowly and presses his lips right against my pulse. The touch is so soft, but so intense, like he’s trying to memorize the rhythm of my heartbeat with his lips. I shiver, my knees going weak, having to cling to him for support.

  “I stand by what I said,” he says, finally pulling back, but still caging me with his strong body. Not that I mind being trapped here. I don’t mind one bit. “But if you want time to clean up and change, I can wait.”

  It’s a victory, but a hollow one, because the thought of leaving Morgan here makes me afraid I won’t ever find him again in this giant palace.

  “Walk me to my room? There’s a separate sitting room attached to the bedroom. I won’t be long.”

  He smiles, looking relieved like he’d been plagued by the same worries I’d just had. “It would be my pleasure.”

  As we start walking, he takes my hand again, lacing his fingers through mine and squeezing. It’s a familiar touch, maybe even too familiar, but I don’t hate it. Actually, I kind of love it. It’s like he’s telling everyone that sees us ‘See this girl? She’s mine.’ Which, I should probably be worried about after everything with Brandt, but I’m not. I don’t know why — the thought of being with more than one guy has never appealed to me — but nothing about any of this feels wrong, even though my brain is telling me it should.

  But my brain can just shut up because the rest of my body loves being so close to Morgan and I’m already trying to come up with ways to do it more often.

  We finally get to my room — I got turned around a couple of times and Morgan just chuckled, saying he’d been lost more times than he could count since we arrived here — and I leave him in the front sitting room, fighting the urge to lean down to give him a quick kiss before I dart off to the shower.

  “I won’t be long!” I say, slipping behind the door.

  “Don’t keep me waiting,” he replies, his voice full of warm anticipation. I have the crazy idea to ask him to join me, but then I shove it aside. I haven’t even seen Morgan since back in my cabin. No matter how many dreams and waking fantasies I’d had about him. He’s still practically a stranger. A very sexy stranger that makes my head fuzzy and my mouth dry, but a stranger nonetheless.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It’s not long before Eva reemerges, her hair still damp in a braid that falls over her shoulders, her sweet floral scent invading the room the moment the door opens.

  “Feel better?” I ask, trying to will my body not to respond to the sight and smell of her. She’s wearing a dress now, simple in its design, but fitted to her exactly, this innocent white number that makes me want to ruin her.

  “Much,” she sighs happily, running her hands down the front of her dress absently.

  “I’m still not used to wearing clothes like this, though. I normally just stumble around in the forest in whatever rags I’ve got laying around…”

  “It’s impossible for you to look anything less than amazing,” I say, watching the color rise in her cheeks, the pulse at the base of her neck beating wildly.

  “Thank you,” she says, her eyes cast to the floor.

  “Shall we?” I ask, holding out my arm for her. She smiles brightly and slides her arm through mine. Having Eva nestled against my side all safe and sound makes feel something I haven’t in a long, long time: peace. Knowing she’s here, knowing she’s safe, knowing she’s with me, it gives me such a feeling of calm and contentment.

  “Where are we headed?” she asks once we’re through the doors.

  I shrug. “I didn’t have anything in mind. I just wanted to spend time with you… And answer any questions you might have,” I add quickly, remembering what she’d said earlier. Truthfully, I’m not sure I’ll have any answers for her, but it fills me with pride to know that I’m the one she wants to go to with those questions. Not the king, not the prince, not even the elder vampire of the two. But me. I was the one she felt she could trust and I would not do anything to jeopardize that.

  “Well, there’s this place I really like… And it’s inside.”

  I grin. “The sun here doesn’t burn quite like the one on Earth, but that’s still appreciated.”

  “Okay,” she says brightly. “Follow me!”

  Like she could stop me.

  She’s practically skipping forward, arm-in-arm with me, and it’s so endearing that I can hardly stand it. I want to corner her again, but this time, I want to kiss her like I’ve been dreaming of. I want to feel her soft lips part under mine, I want the sweet music of her moans to fill my ears and mind until I can’t hear anything else.

  But I have to take my time. I know I do. We haven’t spent any time together and we don’t even have the shared vision trip like she and Lucas do. I’m surprised Eva is as enthusiastic to spend time with me as she is, considering the little time we’ve had with one another, but I’m certainly not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. This beautiful vivacious woman wants to spend time with me? Well, I’m certainly not going to complain.

  She takes me to a room bathed in light, but filtered through enough windows that it’s pleasantly warm on my skin instead of absolute fire. It’s a strange combination of indoor garden and library, but I can see why Eva likes it so much. It’s practically a forest in here. It must feel a lot like home.

  “So is this where you’ve been hiding out all this time?” I ask, teasing her.

  She grins, looking almost bashful. “Not all of the time, but yes. It’s like a private forest and no one ever really comes in here. Which is crazy because…” She throws her arms wide open and spins in place. “Just look at this place!”

  Her joy is infectious and I find myself smiling along with her. “You know, I’ve never been much of a nature lover,” I say, taking her hand in mine again, setting down one of the paths that winds between the trees.

  She frowns. “No?”

  I shrug. She wanted me to be forthright with her. Here it is. “The only interesting thing about the woods in my opinion is all the little critters running around. Though that does normally end with me on a hunt…”

  She laughs and the sound is like music in my ears. “You know, some guys would try to impress me by pretending they like the things I like… But I like that you aren’t like them. I like that you’re just yourself and you don’t pretend to be anything else.”

  “When you’ve had as long as I have to figure out who you are, it’s quite difficult to try to be anything else.”

  She starts to say something, but then shuts her mouth, her lips pressed in a thin concentrating

  “What is it?”

  “What is what?” she asks.

  “Whatever it is that’s making you have that look.”

  She blushes and casts her eyes down. “I was just going to ask you something and then I realized that might be rude of me to ask, so I didn’t…”

  “You couldn’t offend me if you tried. Please, what’s your question?”

  “Uh… How old are you?”

  A sharp peal of laughter erupts out of me and I let go of her hand, instead sliding my arm around her waist, squeezing her hip possessively.

  “I couldn’t tell you an exact number. But I’ve seen the birth of three centuries, so that’s something to go off of.”

  Her eyes go wide as saucers, her jaw dropping. “You’re three hundred years old?”

  I shrug. “Lucas is closer to five. I’m still fairly young for a vampire,” I say, sounding a little defensive to my own ears.

  Eva laughs again. “Don’t get me wrong, you look incredible for your age. It’s just a little hard to wrap my head around.”

  I nod. “It’s easier if you don’t think about it.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  We walk the garden/library for a while longer, talking about the things we could see, trying to pronounce some of the stranger language titles. Eventually, we end up on the grass, with Eva laying back looking at the leafy canopy, her head in my lap while I read her Greek poetry and play with her hair.

  For the first time since I arrived on Desergan, I feel like this is somewhere I could stay. Maybe forever. It’s a strange planet full of aliens, but since Trylor’s decree, we’ve actually been treated as the guests he said we are. We are no longer looked at like enemies or threats, and in turn, I haven’t had a spike of anger really since that meeting with the advisers. And now that I have Eva with me, it feels like nothing could make me angry. Which is strange. Very strange.


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