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Blue Alien Prince's Mail-Order Bride_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 6
Blue Alien Prince's Mail-Order Bride_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Read online
Page 6
Felicity leaned over, pressing her body against his as she climbed on top of him. “My King, you may command a planet, but you do not command me. You are not leaving this room until you satisfy me again.”
Larzukan started to protest, but Felicity’s hands found his cock and began stroking. He could not stop himself from rising in her hand. She bent down, wrapping her lips around his rock-hard penis and taking as much of him in as she could. When his moans told her that he was not going anywhere, she straddled him and slid his mass into her pussy. Once again, she gasped as he thrust into her, but this time, she did not scream out in pain. She was adapting.
As Larzukan’s breath quickened, Felicity moved her hips against his cock, pulling him deeper into her. Larzukan’s hands wrapped around her waist as they moved in rhythm with each other. “I am ready to come!” Larzukan whispered into her ear.
“As I said earlier, my King, you are at MY command. You must not come until I say so.”
Larzukan panted as he desperately tried to control himself. Felicity pushed herself down against him harder and faster until she could feel herself about to explode.
"Please, Felicity, I can't hold it in any longer."
With a smile, Felicity gave her permission, and the two of them came together. Felicity could feel his thick fluid as he filled her to the brim and it ran down the insides of her thighs.
While Felicity lay on top of him, naked and panting, the door opened and the morning staff came in with breakfast. Felicity immediately pulled the covers over herself, but Larzukan seemed unconcerned. The women, too, did not seem the least bit aware of the fact that the two of them were naked.
Larzukan stood and walked across the room, grabbing Felicity’s robe. He held it open for her, and she quickly pulled it closed around herself. Felicity noticed then that two trays had been brought in for breakfast.
“They knew you were here?” Felicity asked.
Larzukan looked taken aback by her question. “I am soon to be king, and you are soon to be my bride. Did you not expect my people to know where I am or where you are?”
Felicity was astounded at the simplistic answer and then realized that she was talking about a people who read minds. “It’s just that on Earth, where I am from, people knock.”
Larzukan missed the joke and then looked into her mind, finally understanding her alarm. “Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed, my love. Sex is an honest and loving union between people. There is no shame in this. We celebrate this as an act of togetherness. The people will be thrilled to know that their future queen brings me such pleasure."
Felicity could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, and she quickly bit down on a piece of fruit to cover her embarrassment. When she looked up, Larzukan was staring at her with a smile spread across his face. After several minutes, she returned the smile, unable to resist his sweet charm.
Larzukan rose and kissed her lovingly on her lips. “I must go now, my Felicity, and you have another day of training. The tournament will be here soon, and I cannot bear the thought of your losing. Please train hard, and I will come for dinner this evening.”
Felicity returned the kiss and watched Larzukan as he stepped out of her room, closing the door behind him. The women were all smiles that morning as they helped Felicity to bathe and dress. As much as she was embarrassed, eventually, she couldn’t help but get caught up in the talk of women, and she smiled and blushed as the women continued their chatter.
When Blancon entered for her training, he, too, wore a smile over his usually stony face. As the day of training began, though, all thoughts of her romantic evening and morning vanished as she fought to stay ahead of the training. When the room finally returned to normal, Felicity was trembling with the expended energy. She could not even recall how many challenges she had faced. She felt as though she had been through a war.
Blancon held her arm as he walked her back to her room. Felicity was asleep before she realized she had lain down.
Blancon left Felicity’s room and went looking for his king. “Larzukan, we must speak.”
Larzukan dismissed the people in his office and turned his attention to Blancon. “Is she okay? Did something happen?”
Blancon waved his hand dismissively. “No, my King, she passed with exceptionally high marks. I have never seen anyone with her level of adaptation. I am worried about the toll it is taking though. You may consider strengthening her body before tomorrow. She is on the verge of collapse even though her mind forces her on. She has courage and strength of mind that are almost unbelievable. I come to you for another reason, though, my King.”
Larzukan lay down upon the couch, still feeling a sense of euphoria from his night with Felicity. “Speak then, my friend. You are here to advise me.”
Blancon began to pace as he prepared himself. “My King, there is talk. Floretta and Pertvia once plotted against each other to gain their place by your side. Now, they have united against an even greater threat. My King, Felicity is in more danger than you realize."
Larzukan sat up and placed his head in his hands. “Is there anything that can be done to avert what is coming?”
Blancon had given this very question much thought. "I do not believe so at this time, my King. If you try to eliminate them before the tournament, the people will riot. I think you will have to hope that Felicity can somehow win the people’s love before the tournament. Then if she can win, you have the leverage to act without repercussion."
Larzukan stood and paced alongside Blancon. “What has my mother said?”
Blancon smiled. “She is happy with your choice, my friend. She will offer her support and her crown as soon as Felicity wins the tournament.”
Larzukan took a deep breath. “Blancon, I will give her something to strengthen her body, but you must push harder. She cannot fail this tournament. I won’t lose her.”
Blancon straightened. "I will increase the levels, my King. On my word, she will be ready."
Chapter 8
Larzukan paced back and forth in his office, contemplating the things Blancon had told him. The thought of someone hurting his beloved Felicity was beyond comprehension. Inside, his blood boiled in ways he’d never experienced before. The door to Larzukan’s office opened, and he was forced to put the current problem on hold for matters of the kingdom that needed his attention.
Throughout the afternoon, Larzukan struggled to maintain focus as his mind constantly returned to the matter of Felicity and her safety. He knew very well the ways in which his people would fight for something they felt belonged to them, and Floretta, especially, was no different. He had to find a way to neutralize her as a threat or Felicity’s life would be in grave danger.
Finally, the business was completed for the day, and all but Larzukan’s aides had departed.
“Is there anything else I can do for you, my King?” one of the aides asked.
“Yes, there is. I have dinner plans with my future queen this evening. I would like for you to inform miss Felicity that I will be somewhat late and make sure that she is kept comfortable until my arrival.”
“Yes, my King.” Larzukan continued to pace as the aide set to the task given him. Larzukan turned to his second aide. “Find Floretta and bring her here immediately.” The aide bowed and left quickly, sensing the heat in Larzukan’s words.
Floretta stood staring admiringly at her own naked reflection in the mirror. “What could that disgusting human have that I don’t?” she said aloud to her reflection. Up until a few days ago, the only one Floretta had to worry about was that good for nothing Pertvia, and Floretta had all but taken care of that. “Everything was falling into place until that alien wench showed up.”
As Floretta contemplated how exactly to get rid of Felicity, the door opened and one of Larzukan’s aides stepped in. “The king wishes to see you immediately.” Floretta couldn’t help but smile as she quickly dressed and checked herself one last time in the mirror.
inally. The man must be coming to his senses,” she sighed to herself. When she was finally granted her place by his side, she would allow none of this foolishness. She would bend Larzukan into the king she wanted him to be and rule the world by his side. Floretta had no doubts that she could please him into submission. Soon, he would forget all about that disgusting female human.
Larzukan stood regally in the middle of his office and waited for Floretta to appear. When she finally sauntered in, his anger threatened to overtake him and he had to force himself to maintain reason. He dismissed the aide with instructions not to disturbed, and then he turned his steely glare to Floretta.
Floretta bowed her head but kept her eyes on Larzukan’s. “How may I serve you, my King?”
Larzukan walked slowly around Floretta as he looked her over with his penetrating eyes. At first, she seemed to be enjoying the perceived attention, but when several minutes went by without any words, he could tell that she was starting to get nervous. That was exactly where he wanted her to be.
“Floretta, there are some things that we need to discuss. You may speak when I give you permission but not before. First, you will listen. Is that understood?”
Floretta bowed her head slightly. This was not going at all how she had planned. Larzukan was supposed to be weak and moldable. That was not the person she was seeing today. When she raised her head, she almost took a step back at the way his eyes pierced through her. She swallowed deeply and for the first time in her life, she truly felt fear.
“That’s better,” Larzukan said as he looked at Floretta. “As I am sure that you are already aware, I have brought a female human to our world in the hopes that she will be chosen as my mate and queen. Felicity has proven herself in many ways already, and I am sure that she will win the tournament and be chosen. I also know that you and Pertvia currently vie for leadership in the tournament. If I am not mistaken, you currently hold the people’s favor.”
Larzukan paused and lifted his hand, giving Floretta a chance to speak.
“Yes, my King. I currently hold the lead. The people understand my value to you and what I can offer to the people as your queen. Larzukan, please consider what you are doing. We have grown up with each other. We have shared each other’s thoughts and wishes. I know your pain and your joys. I am the best choice for you.
“This woman you have brought here does not understand us. She can never guide our people because she is not one of us. She will always be an outsider. If this is your way of purging before the ceremony, then so be it. But in the end, Larzukan, you and I will stand together as king and queen the way it was meant to be.”
Larzukan placed his hands behind his back as he once again began to pace the floor. “Floretta, this is not a purge. I am in love with Felicity. She fills me in ways that no one else can. She has already made quite an impact with the people, and I have every confidence that she will continue to do so.”
Forgetting her place, Floretta spoke out of turn. “What would your mother say? She has always been a large supporter of mine.”
“My mother has already met with Felicity and given her consent. Blancon, as well, is very impressed with her.”
That pulled Floretta up short. If the queen had already given consent, then things had gone further than she realized. Blancon would be no problem. She had ways of convincing him, but the queen was another matter entirely.
Larzukan did not miss the glimmer of hatred that flashed in Floretta’s eyes before she could mask the look. There was no doubt that Blancon had been right in his warning. He was going to have to be very careful.
“Floretta, I understand that this must be very upsetting and confusing to you. I want you to understand that I hold you in the highest regard, as do our people. I do not believe that we are suited for one another. I have found happiness with Felicity, and I believe that if you got to know her, you would see what I see in her.”
Floretta frowned as she glared at Larzukan. “I have no desire to get to know her. The tournament is set up for competition, not friendship. If you expect me to willingly lie down for this human, you are mistaken. I will not, and even as king, you do not have the authority to force me. The people support me, and eventually, you will as well.”
Larzukan lunged forward and grabbed Floretta by the arm. “You are correct, Floretta. I do not have the ability to force you to lose. I can, however, force your friendship. If you refuse my order to befriend Felicity, I will shout it from the towers and all the people will see you for what you really are. How far do you think you will get in the tournament once the people know that you have disobeyed me?”
Larzukan released Floretta’s arm and forced his anger back down. He could not understand what Blancon saw in this woman.
Floretta felt a tear slide down her face. “Larzukan, why have you turned against me? Why do you treat me so poorly? I have always supported you.”
Larzukan took a deep breath. “Floretta, do not think to play me. I know very well what you want out of me and it has nothing to do with love. Now, will you do as I have asked or do I tell the people of your disobedience?”
Floretta wiped the tear from her face and held her head high. She would do as she must for now. Perhaps she could even find a way to use this to her advantage. The tournament wasn’t over yet. “I will accept.”
“I am late for dinner with Felicity. I will let her know this evening that you will be calling on her tomorrow.” Larzukan pushed the button that called for his aide. Within seconds, the door opened and his aide stood at attention.
“How can I serve you, my King?”
“Miss Floretta will be leaving now. Please escort her back to her room and prepare the hall. I must make up for my tardiness with Felicity.”
The aide bowed and led Floretta from the room, leaving Larzukan alone with his thoughts. He hoped he was doing the right thing. It was Felicity’s life on the line, and if he made the wrong decision, she would be the one to suffer. For the time being, he had played the only hand he could.
As Larzukan raised his hand to enter Felicity’s room, he pushed his argument with Floretta aside. It would not do Felicity any good to know the truth just yet.
Chapter 9
Felicity awoke early the next morning once again in the comfort of Larzukan’s loving embrace. After a wonderful dinner alone together and a walk along the grounds looking at the stars, Felicity and Larzukan made love and afterward fell asleep in each other’s arms.
After several minutes of watching Larzukan sleep, she slowly rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. She felt tired and sore but happier than she had ever been. She thought about the training and wondered how she was doing compared to the rest of the Tharagan people.
The feeling of not being good enough was sometimes overwhelming. It was not the fear of dying that had Felicity concerned. It was the thought that if she didn’t win, she couldn’t be with Larzukan. That thought was what kept her pushing even when everything inside her wanted to stop.
As she splashed water on her face, she felt Larzukan’s presence behind her and smiled to herself.
“I awoke to find that my love was missing and became concerned,” Larzukan whispered from behind her.
Felicity turned, laying her hand upon his blue chest. “You looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake you.”
Larzukan bent and placed a gentle kiss on Felicity’s lips. “I know you have been training hard, my love, and I want you to take today off.”
Felicity immediately began to protest. “Larzukan, I must keep training. I know how important this tournament is and I can’t bear the thought of not being with you.”
“I understand your desire, but your body and mind need a day to regenerate. Even among the Tharagan people, we understand the need for rest and relaxation to renew ourselves. I have asked a woman of high standing among the current tournament leaders to come and show you some of the city today. Her name is Floretta, and she will be here shortly after b
reakfast. Blancon will be along as well for your protection and security should you need anything.”
Felicity felt nervous about being among the people and away from Larzukan. “Can’t you come with us? I don’t want to make a fool of myself.”
Larzukan smiled. “You could never do that, my love. Floretta and Blancon will make sure that you do not make any mistakes. Unfortunately, I have many things I must see to today. Try to make friends, my love. I want the people to see you the same way that I see you.”
Felicity couldn’t help but smile. “For you, Larzukan, I will do anything. I only wish I didn’t feel so tired. My mind can hardly focus. Perhaps you are right about my needing a day off.”
Just then, the door opened and the morning staff came with breakfast. Larzukan led Felicity to the table and held out a glass filled with yellow liquid.
“This is the nectar of the golden Jessanthum flower. Among our people, it is given for strengthening the mind and body. I would like for you to start drinking a glass in the mornings to build your endurance for the training.”
Felicity held the glass to her nose and was surprised that it smelled just like an earth rose. She took a small sip and sighed with delight. The juice was crisp and refreshing like homemade lemonade, and by the time she finished the glass, Felicity could feel the energy coming back into her body.
She smiled as she set the glass on the table. “That was wonderful, Larzukan. Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
Larzukan was about to answer when the door opened and Blancon walked in, followed by Floretta. He quickly rose to his feet and walked around the table to Felicity, helping her up. Felicity smiled as Larzukan made a quick introduction but couldn’t help but notice the shift in his demeanor.
He seemed all of a sudden cold and distant where before, he had always seemed open. Felicity glanced at Floretta and saw hesitancy in her eyes as well. For a moment, there was an air of awkwardness in the room, then Larzukan left and the moment passed.