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Blue Alien Prince's Mail-Order Bride_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 7

  Blancon waited in the dining area while Felicity was bathed and dressed for the day. Floretta flitted around the room while Felicity was bathing, talking and laughing like they had known each other for years. Felicity felt at ease with Floretta’s open and cheerful attitude and knew that they were going to become very good friends.

  Other than her serving staff and Blancon, Felicity had very little contact with the Tharagan people. Over the last week, she had made quick friends with several of the women on her staff, but even that felt limited. Floretta was exactly what Felicity needed, and she found herself becoming excited about spending the day together.

  Floretta wrapped her arm around Felicity’s shoulder and the two headed out into the city. Felicity was amazed at the beauty all around them, and Floretta was the perfect tour guide. Blancon watched from a distance but was so quiet and respectful that at times, Felicity forgot that he was there. Floretta’s ease and grace had Felicity sharing her life almost immediately.

  “You remind me of my friend from home,” Felicity said. “We’ve been friends for as long as can remember. She was the one person in my life my father couldn’t intimidate. It was her idea for me to place the ad to be a mail-order bride.”

  “She must miss you terribly,” Floretta said with sympathy.

  “Yes, I’m sure she misses me, just like I miss her. I know that she would be very happy for me, though, knowing I have found someone I can truly love and who loves me in return.”

  “Yes, that must be a wonderful thing,” Floretta said.

  Felicity couldn’t help but notice the tone in Floretta’s voice, almost as if she were suddenly nervous or scared. “What’s wrong, Floretta? You seem upset all of a sudden.”

  Floretta placed her hand over her eyes. “Oh, it’s nothing. Maybe the heat is getting to me. Let’s find some shade and have lunch.”

  Felicity felt certain that the heat was not the problem, but she didn’t want to overstep her bounds so she decided to let the incident pass.

  As they ate, Felicity continued to tell Floretta about her life on Earth and the events leading up to her decision. Floretta listened with rapt attention, offering support and understanding.

  “I’m so glad I got the chance to meet you,” Felicity said as she finished the last of her lunch. “I didn’t realize how much I needed a friend. I feel as though I’ve shared my whole life with you, and I’ve hardly given you a chance to talk. Please tell me about your life here. Did you have to go to the academy like Larzukan?”

  Felicity couldn’t help but notice the way that Floretta shifted at the mention of Larzukan’s name.

  “All Tharagan children go to the academy when they reach seven years of age. Some do well while others do not. I am one who has done well,” Floretta answered.

  “It must be difficult to grow up away from your family. I can’t imagine the stress of knowing that your life is on the line every day. It seems a very hard life.”

  Floretta smiled. “It is the Tharagan way of life. I have known no other, so for me, I did not find it difficult. I can understand why you would feel that way though. After all, you come from a much different way of life. Our ways must feel very harsh to you.”

  Felicity stood and stretched. “No, I don’t find your ways harsh. I admit that there are many things that are new to me, but at the center of everything, there isn’t much difference. Our worlds share a great many things in common—beauty, life, love, and the desire to bring out the best in each other. The methods are different, but not the purpose.”

  Floretta stood, forcing herself to smile. “Yes, I can see that you are right. Perhaps we have more in common that I thought. We should be getting back soon.”

  Felicity nodded, suddenly feeling awkward and exposed. As they walked back, the conversation reverted to the small talk of friends out for a stroll in the city, and Felicity quickly pushed her questioning feelings aside. By the time Felicity entered her room, the two were laughing so hard they were almost in tears.

  “Thank you so much, Floretta. I had a wonderful time. I’d love to spend more time with you.”

  “As would I, Felicity. Perhaps I can come by tomorrow after you have completed your training.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  As the two hugged each other goodbye, the door to Felicity’s room opened and Larzukan walked in. Felicity couldn’t help but notice the hardened look in his eyes when he saw the two of them hugging. When Floretta saw who it was, Felicity felt her begin to shake as if she were terrified. Floretta bowed her head to Larzukan and then quickly left.

  Larzukan’s smile came back immediately. “I came to check up on my bride to be. Did you have a good time today, my love?”

  “Oh, yes, Floretta is wonderful. She made me feel so comfortable. We are going to get together again tomorrow after my training.”

  Larzukan’s body tensed but his smile remained in place. “Wonderful. I’m glad you two are getting along.”

  Felicity took a step back. “Is there something I should know about, Larzukan?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I may not be from your world, Larzukan, but I have eyes. There is something between you and Floretta.”

  Larzukan took a step back. “There is nothing for you to worry about, my love. Many people are nervous in my presence.”

  Felicity folded her arms across her chest. “There’s more to it than that. Talk to me.”

  Just then, Blancon stepped forward. “My King, we have a meeting soon. We must be on our way.”

  Larzukan kissed Felicity on her cheek and left her standing in her room with unanswered questions.

  For the following week, Felicity spent her afternoons with Floretta. Sometimes they would go out to the city, and sometimes Felicity was so exhausted they would stay inside. As time went by, Felicity became more and more certain that Larzukan was hiding something from her.

  Floretta was terrified every time he was in the room, or even just when she heard his name. One time, Floretta became so terrified she wet herself and left the room nearly in tears. Every time Felicity tried to ask one of them about it, they would change the subject or find some reason to suddenly need to be somewhere else.

  By the end of the week, Felicity was so fed up she resolved to find the answers one way or another. She hated feeling like she was being lied to.

  Chapter 10


  Larzukan paced inside his office, contemplating the week’s events. He questioned the wisdom of putting Floretta and Felicity together. He had hoped that by forcing Floretta to get to know Felicity, perhaps he could lessen the threat. Now, he wondered if he had made the threat worse. The door opened and Blancon stepped in.

  “You’re going to wear out the carpet if you keep pacing like that, my King.”

  Larzukan smiled in reply. “Do you have a report for me, Blancon?”

  “Yes, my King. Felicity is far exceeding any other in the training. It is as though she went to the academy and grew up among Tharagan people. I could never have expected her ability for adaptation. It brings much into question about our own people.”

  Larzukan stopped pacing and turned to Blancon. “Such as what?”

  “We have always prided ourselves on being superior in our abilities. So much so, in fact, that those who do not live up to the standards of the tournament are released. Felicity’s unbelievable success makes me question that pride. Is she an anomaly, or is her species all this adaptable? If so, then perhaps our people are not as superior as we have always believed.”

  Larzukan began pacing again. “These are questions worth examining closer, my friend. What of Floretta?”

  Blancon was silent for a moment as he contemplated his answer. “I am not sure, my King. As far as I can see, Floretta appears to truly share friendship with Felicity. I have detected nothing so far to indicate a threat.”

  Larzukan looked into Blancon’s eyes. “I know you have feelings for Floretta, my friend, but I do not trust her. Feli
city has changed this past week, and I can’t help but feel as though Floretta is two steps ahead of me. She has led the tournament for years, and I cannot see her giving up that place easily.”

  Blancon frowned. “I agree that Floretta would not give up her place easily, but I sincerely have not detected anything threatening. If she is planning something, I don’t know what it could be.”

  “What is the tournament showing right now?”

  Blancon pulled up the latest report. “Confusing is the best answer I can give you. There are times when the people seem to stand solidly behind Felicity and times when they seem to stand solidly behind Floretta. At the moment, there is no way to tell which way the Choosing would go. Perhaps Floretta feels she is safe and therefore is planning nothing.”

  Larzukan resumed his pacing. “It appears as though Pertvia has fallen completely out of favor. Felicity is now the only one standing in Floretta’s way. I know the way Floretta operates. She is up to something. I thought that by putting the two of them together, I could have her watched more closely, but I fear I have only made things worse. Perhaps I should just tell Felicity the truth about all of it.”

  Blancon put the report down and turned to Larzukan. “If you are looking for my advice, my King, I do not believe that the time is right for that yet. At this point, Felicity is doing incredibly well. If she learns the truth, things could take a drastic turn. If she doesn’t win the tournament, none of this will have mattered anyway. If she does win, you can always tell her the truth after she has been chosen. I believe that for the time being, the best thing you can do for Felicity is help her to win.”

  Larzukan took a deep breath. “I hate lying to her, but for now, I will continue as I have. Could you have some flowers sent to Felicity’s room as well as a bottle of wine? Let her know I will be joining her this evening.”

  “Of course, my King. What of Floretta?”

  “For now, leave things as they are. I do not want to push the people too hard just yet.”

  “Understood, my King. One other thing, Larzukan. Your mother has a personal gift for Felicity. She has asked that you arrange a time for the two of them.”

  Larzukan looked up sharply. “My mother wants to see Felicity alone? What could her reason possibly be for such a request? No reigning queen has ever sought a private audience with a member of the tournament.”

  “I am unaware of her reasoning, my King. However, her request must be granted.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. I will arrange the time. Thank you, Blancon. Please see to my request.”

  “Of course, my King. Enjoy your evening.”

  Blancon left, closing the door behind him, and Larzukan suddenly felt very alone in the world. Too many things were happening that he seemed to have no control over, and his fears for Felicity were growing every day.

  The dinner was over and Larzukan walked hand in hand with Felicity along the wall-walk, looking at the stars. He couldn’t help but notice how distant she had seemed throughout the evening. Several times, he had tried to talk to her about plans for the wedding and what their future would look like together. Each time, she changed the subject.

  When Felicity stopped to look at the moons, he turned to face her and placed his fingers along her chin. “What is wrong, my love? You have not seemed yourself lately. Is there something I can do for you?”

  Felicity shrugged. “Why should anything be wrong, Larzukan? Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

  Larzukan sighed, knowing that he could not tell her the truth. “Please, Felicity, you must trust me. Why can’t we simply focus on the love we have for one another and let everything else fall away? There is nothing as important as the way I feel about you. Please, my love, let’s talk of the wedding and make plans for our future together.”

  Felicity pulled away. “I want to trust you, Larzukan, but I feel as though there are things you are keeping from me. How can I trust you when you hide things from me? Besides, I have not even won the tournament so I don’t see the point in planning the wedding or anything else, for that matter. I might not even be chosen to be your bride.”

  Larzukan leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Felicity’s lips. “Felicity, do not worry about being chosen. I have no doubts that you will win the tournament. Blancon tells me you are doing very well in training. Come inside with me. We will make love into the night, and all the troubles of the world will fade away. I love you so much, Felicity.”

  Felicity let Larzukan lead her back to her room, but she couldn’t seem to keep her mind focused. Every time he touched her, she thought about how afraid Floretta seemed of him. Felicity had been manipulated and controlled by men all her life. She wanted desperately to believe that Larzukan was different, but she couldn’t help feeling as though she were missing something. Finally, she pulled away from him.

  “I’m sorry, Larzukan. I just don’t feel in the mood to make love tonight. I think I just need some time to rest.”

  Larzukan looked as though he were going to say something but then changed his mind. “All right, my love. I will leave you to get some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow, you will feel better.” He kissed her on the forehead and walked out, leaving her alone.

  Felicity stared at the ceiling, unable to go to sleep as she contemplated what she was going to have to do. She refused to be manipulated by anyone.

  As soon as Larzukan left Felicity’s room, he sent an aide to bring Floretta to his office. He stood resolutely as he waited for her arrival. When she finally entered, his rage threatened to overwhelm him. He wasted no time in getting to the point.

  “What are you up to Floretta? I am not the fool you think I am. I do not believe this charade you have going.”

  Floretta put her hands on her cheeks. “Why, Larzukan, I am only doing what you yourself asked me to do. Surely, you would not punish me for obeying your commands.”

  Larzukan had to forcibly stop himself from lunging at her. “I had hoped that spending time with Felicity would have a positive influence on you, but I can see now that I was wrong. Something you have done or said has made her different. From this moment on, you are not to have any contact with Felicity. Is that understood?”

  “Could I not have at least one last time to say goodbye to my best friend? Would you deny that closure to us?”

  Larzukan stepped in front of Floretta, towering over her. “If you so much as get within visual range of Felicity, I will have you taken out of this tournament for good. Even if that means the people remove me as king, I will see you released first. Do I make myself clear?”

  Floretta smiled as she looked up into his eyes. “Perfectly clear, my King. Am I free to go, or did you plan on killing me right here in your office?”

  Larzukan took a deep breath and finally nodded his head. “You are free to go, but do not take lightly what I have said.”

  Floretta sashayed out the door, apparently unconcerned with her new restrictions. More than ever, Larzukan felt certain that there was something he was missing.

  Chapter 11


  Felicity awoke the next morning resolved to find the answers to her questions one way or another, starting with her morning staff. Since she had come here, Felicity had worked hard at getting to know the women who took care of her. She had never really been a believer in the separation of class and so saw nothing wrong with being friendly with the women.

  Even though it took several days to get any of them to respond, the wait had been worth it. Now the mornings were filled with chatter and conversation, and the women had become Felicity’s source of information for the Tharagan people. One woman, in particular—Chutan—had really seemed to open up to Felicity. She would be counting on that relationship today.

  It was during her morning bath that Felicity began her inquisition. “Chutan, can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Of course.” Chutan giggled. “Amongst the Tharagan people, no question is personal.”

  Felicity questioned that but d
ecided that she had more important things on her mind at the moment. “How did you become a servant at the palace? I still don’t fully understand how the tournament plays a role in your society.”

  Chutan began washing Felicity’s hair as she spoke. “Well, I never really did very well during the tournaments and so I was chosen to fill a role that would not require me to adapt very much.”

  Felicity thought about that as she formed her next question. “I think I understand how you could be chosen to be a servant, but why not an aide to the king, which is a higher position, or a servant to a city worker, which is lower?”

  “Oh, you are asking about the Choosing. Even though I did not adapt well during the tournament, I still had people who liked me. Otherwise, I would have been released or given a lower station. I didn’t have enough people to be an aide though. I am happy where I am, so I know the people chose correctly, as they always do.”

  Felicity tried to make sense of everything, but something still didn’t fit. “But how do the people choose? If everything is based on how you do during the tournament, then what do the people base their choices on?”

  Chutan began rinsing the soap from Felicity’s hair as she giggled. “Silly Felicity, the Choosing is the tournament. Surely, you must know that with all the time you have been spending with Floretta.”

  Felicity turned around and grabbed Chutan by the wrist, not caring about the soap that was running into her eyes. “What are you talking about? Why would Floretta have anything to do with the tournament? It hasn’t even started yet.”

  Chutan looked around nervously at the other women, who suddenly all seemed to be busy with other things. “Miss Felicity, you are hurting my wrist.”

  Felicity let go immediately. “Sorry Chutan. You caught me by surprise. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please continue. I very much want to know what you were going to say.”