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Blue Alien Prince's Mail-Order Bride_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 8

  Chutan looked around the room once again. “Miss Felicity, the tournament has been going for several months now. Surely, you must know. Everyone thought for sure that you would be at the bottom because you started later than everyone else, but you sure surprised them.

  “I always thought you would do well. You stayed in third place for quite some time until you became friends with Floretta. That was a very smart move. It took Pertvia right out of the running. No one has even gotten close to you and Floretta since then.”

  Felicity stood and waited to be dried. Her mind was moving in hundreds of directions at once. “What is this, a reality show?” Felicity said aloud.

  “I have never heard of a reality show before,” Chutan whispered.

  Felicity shook her head. “Never mind. Chutan, can people see what I do everyday?”

  Chutan smiled. “Not all day, silly. Only during the tournament.”

  While Felicity got dressed, she thought her way through what she had been told. “How long is the tournament?”

  “Several months, of course. At the end of the year is the Choosing. Those who pass move on to the next tournament. The tournament begins when the child enters the academy and is completed when the child becomes an adult. That year is the child’s final Choosing and the end of their tournament.”

  Felicity shuddered at the implications. “What does Floretta have to do with any of this?”

  Chutan backed away. “Maybe I should not be telling you any more, miss Felicity. I thought that you already knew. I don’t want to make things bad for you. I was never good at adapting.”

  “Please, Chutan. I must know the truth. It is very important to me. I count you as my friend, and I hope you do as well.”

  Chutan sighed as she took Felicity’s hand. “This year’s tournament is very important for the women because whoever is chosen will become queen. Floretta and Larzukan grew up together as children and entered the academy only one year apart. Until you came here, Floretta was sure to win. Pertvia was close to the top, but no one truly believed that she would be chosen.

  “Floretta had the favor of the people. When you were brought here, Floretta’s Choosing was put in jeopardy for the first time. The Tharagan people fell in love with you just as Larzukan has.”

  Felicity sat down on the edge of her bed, suddenly feeling dizzy. Everything she thought was true since being here had been a lie. For the first time, Felicity found herself questioning everything. Did Larzukan even care about her or was this all some big manipulation in the Tharagan game?

  She thanked her staff and sent them away. Felicity waited until they were all gone and then opened the door and walked down the hall. After several wrong turns, she finally recognized Larzukan’s personal aides.

  She didn’t want to cause a scene so she forced herself to take a deep breath and appear calm.

  “I would like to see Larzukan, please. It is a matter of extreme importance.” The aides looked around, seeming confused by the unexpected change in their normal routine. Finally, one of them turned and walked into Larzukan’s office. Several seconds later, she was escorted in.

  Larzukan smiled as she entered. “Good morning, my love. I’m so glad you came by to see me. I missed you last night. Is everything well with you?”

  Felicity felt a tear fall down her cheek and quickly wiped it away. “Larzukan, I want to go home.”

  Larzukan suddenly looked as if his world was crumbling beneath his feet. “Felicity, I thought you were happy here. What has happened? I can take care of whatever is wrong. Please, Felicity.”

  Felicity shook her head. “My father is very sick, Larzukan. I miss him, and I miss my friends. I want to go home. Please don’t force me to stay.”

  Larzukan sat down on the couch in disbelief. “Felicity, you are not a prisoner here. I would never force you to stay somewhere you did not wish to be. If you choose to go home, I will not stop you. Your happiness means more to me than anything. I love you more than my own life. Is there nothing I can do to change your mind?”

  Felicity couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down her face. “I just want to go home, Larzukan.”

  He came to her and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I will make the arrangements at once. Blancon can get you home safely and quickly. Please do not cry. Your pain is too much for me to bear.”

  Larzukan held her until her tears subsided and then sent for Blancon. The arrangements were made quickly, and within the hour, Felicity was on her way home. Larzukan put his head in his hands, feeling that the world had suddenly turned against him.

  Chapter 12


  The world had gone flat. There was no other way to describe the void that Larzukan found himself in. It was as if nothing existed for him before Felicity, and then for a brief moment in time, his world shone brighter than two suns. Now, she was gone and life had no more meaning. He went about his day in a trance.

  The door opened and Blancon stepped into the room, taking a seat on the couch. Larzukan barely listened as Blancon read through the reports of the day, the tedious details of running a society that no longer held any meaning to him. His mind continually found its way back to Felicity. Where had he gone wrong?

  Several minutes went by before Larzukan realized that Blancon had stopped talking. He glanced over and immediately noticed the expression on Blancon’s face.

  “I’m sorry, Blancon. I can’t seem to make my mind focus lately. Has there been any word?”

  Blancon laid the reports down with a sigh. “No, my King. You know I would tell you immediately if anything were to change.”

  Larzukan nodded slowly, trying to push the disappointment aside. “Yes, of course, Blancon. Please continue with the reports.”

  “My King, the reports can wait. There are other matters that need your attention more.”

  Larzukan put his hand in the air as he shook his head back and forth. “I know what you would say to me, Blancon. I do not want to hear it.”

  “Whether you want to hear or not does not change what is. My King, the people are concerned. Your mother is concerned. Frankly, I am concerned. This melancholy is not healthy for you or for the kingdom. Now more than ever is the time to show strength and courage, not fear and isolation.

  “Felicity is gone. There is nothing you can do now to change that. You must put her aside and do what is necessary for the survival of your line.”

  Larzukan wanted to be angry at the suggestion, but anger required energy, and right now, he did not have any to spare. “Blancon, please, for a few moments, put aside your role as my advisor. I very much need a friend right now.”

  “Then I will speak to you as a friend. I am sorry that Felicity has gone. I know how much you loved her, and I truly believe that she loved you as well. She had a way of getting into people. I, too, am sad that she is no longer with us. I believe she would have made a wonderful queen. The people share the loss with you, Larzukan, as do I.

  “These feelings, however, do not change what has to be. With Felicity gone, Floretta and Pertvia once again lead the tournament. Floretta took a fall, for sure, but she still has support. Your decision will weigh heavily with the people. I know that it is difficult for you, but if you do not make a decision soon, the people will make one for you.”

  Larzukan shrugged his shoulders. “Floretta, Pertvia . . . what difference does it make who wins? My happiness will be no greater or less for either one. I placed all of my hopes in Felicity and gave her all I had. There is nothing left that does not already belong to her.

  “Whoever the people choose will make no difference. In fact, I am not sure that I should be king at all. If you ask me for the throne, Blancon, I will give it to you. It means nothing to me without Felicity.”

  Blancon came and placed his hand on Larzukan’s shoulder. “You have asked me to speak with you as a friend, and so I shall. As a friend, I must tell you that I do not like seeing you this way. You cannot simply stop living, Larzukan. You are not a city dwel
ler or a laborer. You are to be king. The people depend upon you.

  “Weep if you must, and the people will weep with you. Be angry if you must, and the people will be angry with you, but do not stop living or the people will stop living as well. Perhaps before, the people would simply choose another to take your place, but Felicity changed all of that. She changed our way of life. The people love you, Larzukan. Please do not take them into oblivion with you.”

  “Thank you, my friend. I will consider your words. Please, Blancon, leave me with my thoughts for now.”

  Blancon patted his hand on Larzukan’s shoulder in comfort and left silently, giving Larzukan the time he requested. He had a visit to make.

  Floretta smiled to her reflection in the mirror. She took a small loss with Felicity’s departure, but the loss was worth the gain. With Felicity out of the way, Floretta was completely confident in her ability to win. Everything would go back to the way it was before that human had tried to interfere. A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

  She quickly checked her hair and face before opening the door. She was surprised when she opened the door and saw Blancon standing there alone. For the king’s advisor to go somewhere with no aides or security was unheard of.

  Floretta felt certain that Blancon was bringing her good news. The people had been waiting for Larzukan to weigh in on the tournament, but as of yet, he had not. Perhaps Blancon was here to tell her that the king had finally come to his senses.

  Floretta ushered Blancon in, offering him a seat and a glass of wine.

  “I have not come for wine, Floretta. I have come to speak with you privately about a matter that concerns me very personally.”

  “You have my full attention, Blancon. As you know, I care greatly for all those in need.”

  Blancon looked at Floretta’s long legs and her beautiful figure, wishing that for just one time, he had the choice that Larzukan had. That choice was not to be, however, and his duty—if not his friendship—was clear.

  He spent the rest of the day with Floretta, pleading his case. As he stood in the doorway, ready to leave, he turned to Floretta one last time.

  “Please think on what I have said to you today. Time is running out. I will wait for you tonight until the second moon is in the sky.” Without waiting for a response, Blancon left Floretta’s home hoping that he had made the right choice. His actions could very clearly be considered treason.

  Larzukan walked for hours upon hours, thinking upon the words his friend had told him. He knew Blancon was right, but he could not bring himself to let go of Felicity. He had gone through so much to find her and in the end had not been able to keep her. Perhaps he was not strong enough to be king. His decisions had led to nothing of any good.

  He forced himself to consider Floretta and Pertvia. Floretta was, by far, the best choice for a queen, but Larzukan could not bring himself to seriously consider her. He was still convinced on some level that Floretta was responsible for Felicity’s abrupt choice to leave.

  He reluctantly concluded that even though Pertvia was weaker, he would have to put his weight toward her. The thought of being with anyone but Felicity was repulsive, but perhaps Pertvia would at least be good for the people.

  He would have to make the announcement soon for it to have any effect on the people’s choice. The tournament would be over in a matter of days. Why couldn’t he bring himself to do it then? A part of him was still hoping for a miracle, hoping that Felicity would come back to him in time.

  He watched the sky until the second moon was high into the night sky and then reluctantly turned to go back inside. As he opened the door and stepped into the hall, he was almost knocked over by an aide.

  “My King, I was sent to come find you immediately.”

  “Well, you seem to have found me. What’s going on?” Larzukan said as he adjusted his robe.

  “My King, it’s Blancon. He has taken the teleporter and left our planet. Security has informed me that Floretta was with him as well. They evaded the perimeter defense post and have so far eluded the trackers. The Outer Defense Team needs to know their orders.”

  Larzukan stared blankly at the aide for several seconds, trying to take in the surprising news.

  “My King, what shall I tell them? Should they fire?”

  Larzukan felt the finality of his life closing around him. “No, let them go. It seems of late that everyone is deserting me. Perhaps that is the way it should be. I do not want any harm to come to them. Understood?”

  “Yes, my King. I will inform the Outer Defense Team at once.”

  By the time Larzukan laid his head down, he wanted nothing more than to stay asleep forever.

  Chapter 13


  Felicity looked out among the stars wondering if somewhere, Larzukan was doing the same. She missed him so much that at times, she felt as if she could not go on. Her decision to come back to Earth had been made hastily, and now she found herself wondering if she had made the right choice.

  Felicity turned when she heard the screen door open and saw her best friend, Kate, walking toward her. Without a word, Kate plopped down in the lawn chair beside Felicity and handed her a soda.

  Felicity had been back for over a week and was still trying to get accustomed to everything. Earth no longer felt like her home and she longed for Tharagan. The only thing making it tolerable was Kate.

  Felicity had spent the last several hours telling Kate everything that happened. She explained waking up on Tharagan and what it was like to live there. She talked about Larzukan and what it felt like to fall in love. She told her about Blancon and her training. So much had happened that sometimes, Felicity wondered how any of it could be real.

  Finally, she told Kate about learning the truth about the tournament and Floretta’s involvement. “That was when I decided that I had to leave. I felt like they had all been lying to me and I didn’t know what else to do. Floretta is so beautiful, and she is Tharagan. I knew I could never compete with her. I didn’t want Larzukan to marry me and be unhappy. He deserves to be with someone of his own kind. Floretta obviously wants to be with him.”

  Kate listened to the entire story with rapt attention. “So let me get this straight. You were abducted by an alien who saw your application for a mail-order bride?”

  “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?” Felicity asked.

  “Of course I think you’re crazy. That’s what I love about you,” Kate said with a smile. “But for what it’s worth, I believe you.”

  Felicity smiled back as she sipped on her soda. “You would have loved Tharagan, Kate. They were the most beautiful people.”

  “Well, next time, you have to take me with you instead of leaving me behind.”

  Felicity’s smile faded. “I’m afraid there isn’t going to be a next time. I had my chance for a happy life and threw it away. Now I’m stuck, and I have no way to make it right. Even if I could get back, Larzukan must hate me. I didn’t even give him a chance to explain.”

  Kate looked over at Felicity, understanding her in a way only a friend could. “Felicity, if this Larzukan loves you the way you seem to love him, I am sure that he does not hate you. The question is, what will you do now?”

  Felicity sighed deeply, trying to fight back the tears. “Daddy has already set the wedding. As soon as I returned, he called Lance. You would think that having your child disappear and then suddenly return would have some impact, but as usual, his only concern was about the money. He has convinced himself that I had a mental breakdown and ran away.”

  “Is that why the goon squad is following you around?” Kate asked as she pointed to the two bodyguards.

  “Yes. They are Lance’s men. Dad wants to make sure that nothing gets in the way of his deal. Even if I could get away, what would be the point? Without Larzukan, nothing matters anyway. I’m sure that by now, he is planning his wedding with Floretta with the people cheering their chosen queen. He will find happiness with her, and I will
have Lance. That is the way it has to be.”

  Kate sat up, feeling the frustration building. “What is wrong with you, Felicity? You know the kind of man Lance is. He will beat you and abuse you until there is nothing left of you. Why would you willingly lie down for that? Your father is no better and you know it. I would rather never see you again knowing that you are safe and happy than to see you marry Lance.”

  “Don’t you understand, Kate? I don’t care anymore. I walked away from the man who truly loved me because I was too afraid to talk to him. I was too afraid to give him a chance to explain. I made that choice for the both of us, and I have no one to blame now except myself. Maybe marrying Lance is the punishment I deserve for running away from Larzukan.”

  Kate understood the sadness behind those words and came over, putting her arms around Felicity. Kate held her until Felicity had cried all the tears she could and then led her upstairs and put her into bed.

  The next morning, Felicity pulled herself out of her dream of Larzukan and forced herself out of bed. Her father was waiting for her in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Felicity. I was told that your friend Kate was over last night. I thought I told you that I didn’t want you speaking to her. Lance does not trust her, and quite frankly, neither do I. That girl is a sinner and a bad influence on you.”

  Felicity started to protest but realized that it didn’t really matter anyway. She knew that Lance was not going to allow her to have any friends once they were married. Felicity thought about Larzukan as her father continued his speech.

  “I spoke to Lance again last night, Felicity. He has agreed to forgive you but his patience is running thin. We both feel that you could benefit from some time in church. Perhaps being in the presence of God will help you to see clearer. Lance and I only have your best interest at heart, Felicity.

  “The wedding is only a few days away. I think you would benefit by spending that time talking to God and asking for forgiveness. I am holding a service this evening to ask for God’s blessings on our Church’s future endeavors. I expect you to come.”