Blue Alien Prince's Mail-Order Bride_A Sci-Fi Alien Romance Page 9
Felicity understood the implied threat very clearly. She nodded her head and agreed while in her mind, she pictured Larzukan’s beautiful face and comforting smile. Oh, how she wished she could be with him again.
Chapter 14
Floretta looked out the window of the teleporter as they glided through space, heading toward Earth. All her life, she had worked toward one goal, and here she was throwing everything away.
She could feel Blancon’s eyes on her as they had been since the beginning of this doomed mission. She might even consider him as a potential replacement assuming they weren’t condemned to immediate death without honor upon their return to Tharagan. A part of her still did not believe that she had allowed herself to be talked into this.
Floretta had planned everything so meticulously. Every scenario and every detail had been plotted until she was certain of success. Yet here she was, on her way to an alien planet on a rescue mission to bring back the very woman she had worked to get rid of. Everything was in jeopardy now because of her, and all of her work had been in vain.
Floretta could hardly believe when Blancon had told her that Larzukan was considering marrying Pertvia over her. As if that weren’t bad enough, Larzukan was threatening to abdicate the throne. The Tharagan people needed Larzukan as their king, and Floretta couldn’t be the cause of denying them that. She remembered his passion for the people even at an early age.
His desires were to bring his people forward with new and greater ideas for the future. Larzukan hated living like they were at war and fought to build a society of advancement and opportunities for all the Tharagan people. Floretta had always felt that his ideas were somewhat radical, but she believed in him, as did the rest of the people.
Larzukan had not won his right to be king by accident. Floretta had been so focused on her desire to be a part of it all that she had been willing to sacrifice anything. She had not realized that her deeds could lead to the destruction of the very thing she wanted. She had failed to see the depth of Larzukan’s heart, which lay at the very center of the world she was hoping to help create.
If she were to be truly honest with herself, she would even have to admit that Felicity was good for him, and she was probably good for the Tharagan people as well. If Floretta had allowed herself to really be Felicity’s friend, maybe things would be different now.
“How long till we reach Earth, Blancon?”
Blancon looked at the readouts in front of him. “One more hour.”
Floretta fidgeted in her seat, trying not to think about what happened after that hour, but she couldn’t seem to make her mind stay away from the terrifying thoughts.
“Blancon, what if she refuses to come back? What if she doesn’t love him the way he thinks she does?”
Blancon turned in her direction, leveling his gaze at her. “Floretta, we have committed high treason. Whether Felicity goes back with us does not change our fate. Our fate was sealed the moment we set foot in this ship. What we do now is for our people, for our king, for our friend.”
Blancon sighed deeply as he continued. “Floretta, I was very much like you. I thought that Larzukan’s ideas would cause destruction, and I plotted against him. When I sought to find a woman for him, I thought that the decision would undermine his following and bring doubt to his leadership. I thought to use Felicity to bring Larzukan to his senses and force him to stay true to our rules.
“Felicity changed all of that though. She made him a better king, a stronger king. She forced me to see the truth behind Larzukan’s claims. The things Felicity was able to do during the tournament brought shame to me.
“I will willingly lay down my life in service to my king, for he is the true king. I was not fit to be his advisor or his friend, but hopefully by my death, I can give him back what he has lost. Floretta, you must convince Felicity to come back or all of our lives will be ruined.”
Floretta sighed deeply. “I, too, regret the things I have done. I could not see past my own desires and put myself before all others. Larzukan deserves better. I will do what I can to ensure that Felicity returns.”
Blancon smiled at her response. “You know, Floretta, I had always hoped that one day you and I might be mated. It is unfortunate that we will die together instead. I think we could really have some fun together.”
Floretta laughed warmly as she laid her hand upon Blancon’s blue arm. “You would make a fine mate, Blancon. I would have been honored to have called myself your bride.”
The two held hands as they entered Earth’s atmosphere. Blancon checked to make sure the ship was shielded and then set down.
Felicity sat on the hard-backed pew, listening to the droning words of her father’s sermon as her mind remained fixed on her memories of Larzukan. As she pictured Larzukan’s beautiful blue skin and captivating eyes, a strange sensation started to intrude upon her. Felicity felt her skin begin to tingle and felt certain that she was being watched.
Felicity turned slowly in her pew to scan the church. Her eyes landed on a woman sitting in the back row with long black hair and piercing eyes. Floretta had found a way to disguise her blue skin, but nothing could hide those eyes. Felicity pulled in a sharp breath, wondering why in the world Floretta was on her planet. She had probably come to finish the job. Maybe Felicity’s leaving wasn’t enough and Floretta wanted her dead.
After several more glances back, Felicity finally accepted that Floretta was not going to leave. She excused herself and left the church. She could feel her father’s eyes on her the entire time. Felicity wondered which hell was worse—Floretta or her father.
As soon as the two were outside, Felicity turned with heated rage. “What, getting me out of your way wasn’t good enough? Did you come all the way here to kill me?”
Floretta took a step back, having not anticipated Felicity’s anger. “No, of course I didn’t come here to kill you. I came hoping that you would come back.”
Felicity scoffed. “Yeah, right. I know all about you, Floretta. I know how you were manipulating me to gain favor with the people. I know how you and Larzukan plotted to bring me to your planet as a pawn in your games. I know everything.”
Floretta held her hand out. “You do not know everything. Please, Felicity. Walk with me so I can explain what has happened and why I am here. I will not cause you any harm, and you can make whatever decision you wish. But please, hear me out first.”
Felicity hesitated as she tried to judge the truth for herself. Floretta seemed sincere, but Felicity had trusted her once before and been burned. Felicity looked back at the church and saw her two bodyguards coming to look for her. Without a second thought, Felicity grabbed Floretta’s hand, leading her away.
“All right, Floretta. You came all the way here. I can at least hear you out.”
“Thank you,” Floretta said sincerely. “Blancon is here with me as well. He is waiting in the ship in the hope that you will join us and come back to Tharagan, to your home. You must believe me when I tell you that Larzukan knew nothing of my manipulation of you.
“He ordered me to be friends with you because he thought that getting to know you would help me to respect you. When he found out the truth, he forbade me from ever seeing you again. I was using him in the same way I used you.”
Felicity clung to the words like a lifeline. If it really were true, then she had been terribly wrong to leave. But how could she trust Floretta?
Floretta sensed Felicity’s hesitation and quickly started talking again. “Larzukan weeps for you, Felicity. He is a shell of the king and man he was before. He has even threatened to give up the throne to Blancon. His love for you is beyond anything I have ever seen. You are correct that I was the people’s choice to marry Larzukan, but I was never his choice.
“I knew that even before you came to our world, but I did not want to see the truth. I thought that if I could force him to marry me, then eventually, he would come to love me too. When you came, he gave you everyth
ing I had wanted him to give me. I was jealous, and I hated you out of that jealousy.
“When I started to spend time with you, I realized that you really loved him too, and that made me even more jealous. I wanted what you had and I was wrong. Because of what I have done, I have brought my people to the brink of despair. The Tharagan people need Larzukan to lead them, and he needs you.
“Blancon and I have forfeited our lives to come here in the hope that your love for him is strong enough to forgive our wrongful deeds. Please come back with us and take your place by Larzukan’s side.”
Felicity looked into Floretta’s eyes for almost a full second before smiling. “Of course I’ll come back. I was a fool to ever leave Larzukan, and my heart has been in pain ever since. I have someone I have to see first though. Come with me.”
Felicity rang the doorbell with Floretta behind and smiled when Kate answered the door. She made quick introductions and then rambled out the story to Kate.
“Kate, I’m going back. I wish I didn’t have to leave you, and I’m going to miss you so much, but I have to go back to Larzukan. He is my home now.”
Katy looked Floretta up and down. “You will take care of her, won’t you? She tends to get in trouble when I’m not around.”
Floretta looked at Felicity and frowned. “Perhaps you would like to come with us as well. I have not technically been given permission, but since I am to be sentenced to death anyway, I see no reason you can’t come along. Your species is intriguing.”
Felicity smiled. “Oh, please, Kate? I know you would love it on Tharagan.”
Kate took a long look back at her house and then shrugged her shoulders. “Why not? I always like an adventure. Besides, I need to check out this man who’s marrying my best friend.”
The three women ran off as quickly as possible toward the ship. They were in sight when suddenly, Lance and his two bodyguards stepped in front of them.
“Just where the hell do you think you’re going?” he said as he grabbed Felicity by the throat. His two bodyguards grabbed Kate and Floretta, making sure they didn’t get in the way.
“Lance, give it up already. I am never going to marry you. I’m in love with another man. A good man. Just let me go.”
Lance laughed menacingly as he held tight to Felicity’s throat. “I have paid for you already, and that makes you mine. I don’t care if you love me or not. God has ordained that you are to be my property, and so you shall.”
Felicity glanced over at Floretta, making sure she had eye contact, and then mouthed a single word. “Adapt.”
Without wasting another second, Floretta let the image of her human body slip from her mind and reverted back to her true form. Her suddenly blue shape standing tall above the bodyguards had the desired impact.
Lance released his grip just long enough for Felicity to twist around and bring her knee up into his groin. All of her training on the Tharagan planet had strengthened her muscles as well as her mind. Lance wouldn’t be owning any women anytime soon.
As Lance lay on the ground moaning in pain, the two guards ran off into the distance screaming about demons. Kate walked over to Lance, adding another kick to the already injured man. “Let’s get out of here.”
As the three women climbed aboard the ship, Blancon closed the doors and began his ascent. Felicity came and kissed him gently on the cheek. “Thanks for coming back for me. Larzukan couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
Blancon blushed as he set the coordinates. “Too bad I won’t live to see you two get married. I’m sure the ceremony is going to be wonderful. Who is your friend here?”
Felicity introduced Kate, who was looking around in awe trying to take everything in. A part of her had not really believed that Felicity’s aliens were real. She sat down on one of the seats, holding her head in her hand. Felicity came over and patted her shoulder comfortingly. “Don’t worry, Kate. You’re going to love it. Now, Blancon and Floretta, what’s all this talk about dying?”
Blancon explained the situation and the punishment for the crimes they had committed. “We’ll just see about that,” Felicity said confidently. “How long till we reach home?” she asked. Blancon couldn’t help but smile. “Just a few hours, my Queen.”
Felicity settled back in one of the chairs as she thought about what it would be like to see Larzukan again. She hoped he would forgive her.
Chapter 15
Several hours later, the teleporter flew into Tharagan space and was immediately secured by the Outer Perimeter Team. When the door opened, Felicity came face to face with thirty of Tharagan’s elite fighters. In the midst of all the chaos, it was difficult to determine exactly what was happening.
Blancon and Floretta were forced on their knees while several fighters held weapons to them. The unexpected surprise of Felicity and Kate had the fighters calling out orders, unsure whether they should be detained, killed, or protected.
After a few minutes of being pushed and pulled, the fighters suddenly stopped and stepped aside. Felicity raised her head and found herself face to face with Larzukan. For one split second, their eyes met and Felicity wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Then his arms were around her so tightly that she could barely breathe as he whispered soothing words into her ear.
“Oh, my Felicity, you’ve come back to me.” With no concern for how many people were standing around them, Felicity wrapped her arms around Larzukan’s neck and found his lips. They kissed passionately for several minutes to the cheers of a multitude of Tharagan people. The reunion was being plastered live all across the planet.
For several minutes, Felicity felt like the entire world had faded away into nothingness and there was no one but her and Larzukan. She was so happy to be back in his arms again that she never wanted to be anywhere else for the rest of her life. When they finally pulled away from each other, Felicity smiled through her tears. Larzukan reached up, wiping them away with his long blue fingers.
The joyful reunion was put on hold when the lead Tharagan fighter came forward with a bow. “Excuse me, my King, but what of the prisoners? Do you wish to have their releases public?”
Larzukan glanced at Blancon and Floretta, who were still on their knees. “I have forgiven them, but the people’s law is clear. Take them to the holding facility for now. I want them kept separate and guarded at all times. I will make the sentence shortly.” Felicity was about to intercede when Larzukan’s thoughts intruded upon her mind. “Not here, not now.” Felicity worriedly held her tongue, hoping that Larzukan knew what he was doing.
When they were finally alone together in Larzukan’s office, Felicity immediately went to her knees in front of him and broke into tears.
“Oh, Larzukan. I’m so sorry for lying to you and leaving the way I did. When I found out about the tournament and Floretta, I thought that you had lied to me and used me. I never even gave you a chance to explain. I should never have run away the way that I did. I know I have no right to ask your forgiveness—”
Larzukan placed his finger upon her lips and pulled Felicity to her feet. “My Felicity, I cannot forgive you, for there is nothing to forgive. I kept things from you that I should not have. I did not think that you would choose to stay with me if you knew the truth, but it was wrong for me to try and make that choice for you. I am the one who should be asking for your forgiveness.”
Felicity and Larzukan held each other tightly, letting their love wash away the pain of being apart. Finally, Felicity pulled away enough to look into Larzukan’s eyes. “You are not truly going to execute Blancon and Floretta, are you?” she asked hesitantly.
Larzukan let go of Felicity’s hand and began pacing. “Yes, I am,” he said resolutely.
Felicity could hardly believe that she had heard correctly. “Larzukan, you can not have them killed. They risked everything to bring me back to you. They risked their lives because they love you and the people here more than their own lives.”
Larzukan ran his finge
rs through his hair in frustration. “I understand what they have done and I will forever be grateful that they were able to bring you back, but that does not erase their deeds. You must understand, Felicity. For our people, going against the choosing is the worst crime imaginable. I am the people’s chosen king, and they plotted against me. By that act alone, they have told the people that their choice was not worthy. If it were up to me alone, I would grant them their lives, but it is the people whom they have committed treason upon.”
Felicity felt her face flush with heat as she suddenly hated the ways of the Tharagan people. “Larzukan, you are king. You must not allow this to happen. You must make the people understand. I understand the will of the people, but that does not mean they are right.”
Larzukan sighed deeply. “I agree with you, Felicity, but this is the way. I have dreams of a future without the Choosing, without pulling children from their families to train, but that time has not come yet. I must have the people’s support in order to make the changes necessary for our world to change.”
Felicity began pacing as well, feeling the rage build inside her. “Have the people chosen me to be your queen yet? Will you stand by if I am unsuccessful in passing the tournament? Will you watch me be executed in order to maintain a way of life that is barbaric?”
Larzukan pulled her close. “I will never allow that. Even if I have to flee this world and live in hiding for the rest of my life, I will never allow you to be killed.”
Felicity shook her head. “Larzukan, you must convince the people that what they choose is wrong. You must make a stand and have faith in your people to stand behind you. Isn’t that what the real meaning of the Choosing is for? I think your people have warped the Choosing into something it was never designed to be. Your people are no longer under attack. You must teach your people how to choose peace.”